Dream UP!
In collaboration with
Jen Maigret, former partner of MAde Studio
Research Assistant
Le Nguyen, Anna Schaefferkoetter, Andrew Wolking, Wen Zhong
Focus: HOPE
Sponsored by
Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute
October 2014

Dream & UP! Initiates the transformation of a vacant, urban parking lot through a one-day, pop-up, pumpkin patch that leaves behind playful lines and traces of a new future. Sited within the larger Grounds for Hope community, “Dream UP!” transformed a site for a day through the efforts of seven individuals armed with trash bags, wire cutters, string, paint, balloons and pumpkins. An excuse to invite the community into a site that has been locked by a fence for years, the Dream UP! event also announced the coming of a future construction project to transform the space into a public park in Spring 2014. Through the use of color, material and a give-away of free pumpkins, Dream UP! made visible a site that had eroded from public memory and fostered a fun day to dream a big and anticipate positive future change.